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25 Year Pin

R.W. Bro. Bob Tanner, W.M. Terry Pook, W.B. Scott Tanner

WB Scott Tanner received his 25 year a Mason Pin.

I was initiated into Masonry along with my 2 brothers on the same evening. The Worshipful Master for that auspicious occasion was WBro Terry Pook. Now, 25 years later, I am humbled and proud to receive my pin under the direction of the very same Worshipful Master who initiated me. I am sure that such ironic instances are rare. I am also very happy to have my 25-year pin placed on my label by my uncle, Right Worshipful Bro Bob Tanner, who was DDGM the year I became Worshipful Master in 2005. The year I became WM, I was the youngest Master in over 100 years in Bernard Lodge. This journey has been wholly fulfilling and I have been fortunate to meet such upright people and foster great relationships along the way.